University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy
My name is Bo and I recently graduted with PharmD/PhD in the Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology, University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy. I'm interested in integrating diverse sources of data (clinical pharmacology, electronic health records (EHRs), genomics and microbiome) to predict medication safety and efficacy with an ultimate goal of improving precision medicine. Boguang has accumulated experience in:
1. data science and biostatistics including machine learning algorithms, database management, statistical genetics analysis, real-world evidence analysis such as EHR data mining and risk prediction modeling using natural language processing and machine learning based on R and Python.
2. clinical pharmacology and quantitative pharmacology including PBPK, PopPK modeling and simulation and exposure-response/exposure-safety analysis based on R, NONMEM and Monolix.
3. clinical and regulatory document preparations such as study protocol; clinical development insights via heads-on experience with clinical trial operations.
4. pharmaceutical care and teaching including patient education, pharmacogenomics patient counseling, PharmD curriculum teaching, etc.